Planning meals around packing boxes. You gotta eat, and it’s best to try and stay healthy while you are busy getting moved into your new place. Sitting down at night after you have had a meal, start thinking about the next few days. With your pencil and paper in hand write down the ingredients and foods that you most eat, the reason to eat first, is to have a clear head when meal planning, it helps to eliminate adding too much to a fridge you will eventually have to clean out.
This techique will also save you money, eating out cost bundles and adds up so very fast. When you are moving the last thing you really need to be doing (if you don’t have the money to blow) is spending it on take out. Simple meal preparation is best since you don’t want to spend too much time in the kitchen cooking or cleaning.

When preparing your list think about time in the kitchen. How much time do you want to be spedning cooking and cleaning? Many like the crock pot method of cooking you can prepare a meal quick and easy just throw your ingredients in and let it cook all day! You can also use the casserole method throw some good stuff in a dish and throw it in the oven. is fast and easy too, and doesn’t call for too much meal preperation. You may also do well with stir frys, one wok or frying pan and sautee, easy as 1, 2, 3.
The nice thing about thinking ahead with meal planning especially when moving is that you know that you are going to have a good healthy meal and though you may be in transition, the meal itself will help give you energy and a sense of stability. Another thing you can do, is on your day off or when you have a little spare time, prepare some of the ingredients that you will be using in some of your meals. For instance sautee the onions, chop up the veggies, cut up and fry the meat and have it ready for you in the fridge. When you do this it makes meal preperation a breeze, quicker and easier.
Enjoy the meals you have decided to cook up and have a little fun with it! You don’t have to have the same style of food each night, be creative! I just made chicken breast seared and than baked with couscouse, and broccolli. If I would have made two extra peice’s of chicken I would have chopped those up for chicken tacos for lunch the next day, or dinner. I could even make chicken salad sandwiches with those. So many endless possibilities!